News archive


13. December 2013.

Community center in Bujanovac launches a week-long campaign for raising the awareness about the possible consequences of the use of pyrotechnic devices.

The activity will be undertaken in schools, where the possible consequences of the use of pyrotechnic devices, such as firecrackers and fireworks, will be explained to the students.  

"The purpose of this activity is to reduce the effects of the use of pyrotechnic devices on the citizens’ health. For the purpose of making the activity achieve positive results, the local education, health and security institutions are to get involved in the activity", it was said a statement issued by the organizers of the activity.

The campaign will include the following activities: a television spot about the consequences of the use of pyrotechnic devices on the citizens’ health, leaflets, doctors’ lectures, an exhibition of works on the consequences of the use of pyrotechnic devices and an interactive paly for the children.

Also, measures will be undertaken against the sellers of pyrotechnic devices, it was said in a statement issued by the community center in Bujanovac. A ban on the sale of pyrotechnic articles to persons under 18 years of age will be introduced, while children under the age of 14 will be banned from using these devices if they aren’t accompanied by their parents.  

Source: Тitulli and Coordination Body

