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30. August 2013.

Galip Beciri, President of the Albanian National Council, says that 70 percent of the required textbooks in the Albanian language for primary schools were provided for the upcoming school year.  

70 percent of the required textbooks in Albanian were provided for the upcoming school year, which is a big improvement in comparison with the previous year, said Galip Beciri, President of the Albanian National Council.  

Mr. Beciri said that the said textbooks in Albanian were provided in three ways: by translating   into Albanian the textbooks that are used in teaching in the Serbian language, by importing some of them from Albania, by obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Education for some of them and by having some of them done by the Albanian authors from Presevo and Bujanovac.

"Thanks to the joint efforts of the Albanian National Council and the Ministry of Education, 80 elementary school textbooks were provided for this school year, which is 70 percent of the required textbooks.  History, geography, music and art textbooks haven’t yet been translated into Albanian, since we haven’t found anyone interested in translating them", Mr. Beciri said.

"With the approval of the Ministry of Education, textbooks for the Albanian language for the first to the eighth grade were obtained from Albania. We submitted the list of textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education to all the schools teaching in the Albanian language and they are bound to comply with it ", Mr. Beciri said.  

While the issue of providing textbooks in Albanian for primary schools is nearly resolved, not much has, so far, been done regarding providing the textbooks for secondary schools,” Mr. Beciri said.  

"Old textbooks and notes will continue to be used for teaching in secondary schools, because it is necessary to provide 350 textbooks for ten or so secondary school departments, and so far not much has been done in that field", said Mr. Beciri.  

Source: RTS


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