News archive


20. August 2013.

During the last three years of the implementation of the European Partnership with Municipalities Program (EU Progress), the economy of South Serbia generated the revenues of seven and a half million euros. It was said at a session of the Steering Committee of the EU Progress, which was recently held in Bujanovac, that thanks to the implementation of the program, sixty workers got employed on a permanent basis.  By the end of the first quarter of the next year, owing to the help of the program, another 150 to 200 jobs should be created.

As for the municipality of Bujanovac, a major project relating to a recycling center with a transfer station was completed, which will soon to be built as a segment of the municipal waste management in the Pcinj district. Converting the municipal landfill "Meteris" in Vranje into the regional landfill is the process of controlling and removing the illegal dumps in the county and of comprehensive environmental protection.  

The support of around 600 thousand euros was approved for the EU Progress. Among other things, the approved money will be spent on training for working in the textile and footwear industries in Raska, Novi Pazar, Sjenica and Tutin. It will, thereupon, be used on the automatic recording of public property and on market analysis in the municipalities and cities of southern Serbia. The largest amount of money was earmarked for gender equality projects, the initiator of which is the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Serbia.  

"The good results that we reach now are the best recommendation for the next program to be implemented after the end of the EU Progress Program," said Andrew Headey from the EU Delegation to Serbia.

Anyway, the budget of the EU Progress exceeds 18 million euros. The program is funded primarily from the European funds.

Source: The People’s Newspaper - Nis

