Government’s Decision

Government’s Decision

Government’s Decision 2015:

Government’s Decision - Social Welfare Contributions for 2015
Download the document (available in Serbian only)


Government’s Decision 2014:


Government’s Decision – Subsidies for 2014
Download the document (available in Serbian only)


Government’s Decision 2013:

Government’s Decision - Social Welfare Contributions for 2013
Download the document (available in Serbian only)

Government’s Decision – Subsidies for 2013
Download the document (available in Serbian only)

Government’s Decision – Associations of Citizens - 2013
Download the document (available in Serbian only)

Government’s Decision 2012:

Government’s Decision - Social Welfare Contributions for 2013
Download the document (available in Serbian only)

Government’s Decision – Subsidies for 2013
Download the document (available in Serbian only)

Government’s Decision – Associations of Citizens - 2013
Download the document (available in Serbian only)

