News archive

September 16, 2010

16. September 2010.

The 11th. BITEF (Belgrade International Theatre Festival) Polyphony

The title of the 11th. BITEF Polyphony is “Arts and Theatre – Community Life”, which is BITEF’s accompanying program that will be opened at 12 o’clock noon today by “Mimart” theatre’s project “Limes” at the “Parobrod” (Steamship) cultural institution. This year’s Polyphony will be focused on open workshops and interactive presentations.

“This year’s Polyphony is focused on those forms of theatre which are directly reflected in the community’s theatre, education theatre and in the theatre for intercultural dialogue. The emphasis wasn’t put on theatre performances, but on the workshops and presentations within which it is possible to have a direct dialogue and communication, as well as an exchange of knowledge and skills, and during which it is possible to jointly develop projects”, said Ljubica Ristic-Beljanski, the founder and the editor of BITEF Polyphony.

The “You and I are We” project, which was supported by the Office of the Coordination Body of the Government of Republic of Serbia for the Municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, the “Forum” theatre’s open workshop “Association of Theatres for Growing Up without Violence” and the “Rubikon” theatre’s “The Family of Brezovica’s Transparent Brooks“ from Rijeka, Croatia, constitute only a part of the program and some of the participants in this year’s Polyphony, which will be closed by the project entitled “We should Work – a Parcel for Cehov”.

The Polyphony’s program is going to be performed every day until September 25, 2010, and it will commence at 12.30 am, on the stage of the “Vuk Karadzic” cultural institution, too.