News archive


18. January 2021.

Меdvedja - Due to severe damage to the electricity distribution grid in the territory of the municipality of Medvedja, it was decided at the session of the Emergency Situations Staff of Medvedja that the municipality should procure  from the budget six power generators, as well as the other equipment necessary for fixing the consequences of bad weather conditions.

The floods, which hit South Serbia on January 10 and 11, affected Medvedja as well, and it was said in the statement of the Emergency Situations Staff  that the Municipality would procure five power generators, the power of which is 2.8 kW, in the amount of up to 200,000 dinars, as well as power generators, the power of which is 1 kW, in the amount of up to 200,000.

The conclusion of the Staff is that due to the great damage caused to the electricity distribution grid in Medvedja, it is necessary to urgently address the Public Company "Electric Power Industry of Serbia", as well as the relevant Ministry of Mining and Energy, so that 10 additional teams could be deployed in the field.

It is necessary to procure 1,000 packages with basic foodstuffs to help the endangered population of that municipality. This should be done by using the funds of the current municipal budget reserve in the amount of up to 1.2 million dinars, it was said in the statement issued by the Staff.  

It was also said in the statement that it was necessary to conclude agreements on the engagement of additional mechanization and manpower, because the existing capacities of Public Utility Company "Obnova" were not sufficient.

The Staff also stated that with the aim of preventing the consequences of the epidemic caused by the corona virus, it was necessary to urgently procure concentrators in the amount of up to 300,000 dinars for the needs of the Health Center in Medvedja.

Source: South Serbia News and Coordination Body