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27. December 2017.

Presevo, Bujanovac, Medvedja - Branislav Nedimovic, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, said that after a period of eight years, Serbia had begun using pre-accession EU grants for agriculture - IPARD in the amount of 175 million euros.

Minister Nedimovic pointed out that the Ministry had issued the first public call for obtaining IPARD funds for the purchase of new machinery and equipment, while requests for being given the right to the incentives could be submitted until February 26, 2018. Minister Nedimovic underscored that those funds were intended for small and medium-sized farms, for everything that a farmer needed the most, noting that that did not apply to large producers because they did not have the right to apply.

The public call for the purchase of new tractors will be issued on January 4, 2018, while the deadline for the submission of applications will run from that day until February 26, 2018.  The amount of incentives ranges from 60 to 80 percent, depending on whether the applicant is a young farmer, whether the farm is located in a mountainous area, and whether the investment relates to the management of waste and waste water.

The sectors of milk, meat, fruits and vegetables and other crops (certain types of grain and industrial crops) are covered by the call. The amounts of incentives that that beneficiaries may receive in the fruit, vegetables and crops sectors may range from 5,000 to 700,000 euros, and in the milk and meat sectors from 5,000 to 1,000,000 euros. Acceptable investments and costs relate to the purchase of new machinery, equipment and tractors and overhead costs.

Source: RTV Rhythm and Coordination Body