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The Open Society Foundation and the UNICEF invite you to sign up for the competition and participate in the work of the "Partnership for Education" clubs in your local community, so that we could jointly launch changes for the better in education.
The aim of the project "Creation of the National Association of Teachers and Parents– Partnership for Education" is to empower teachers and parents to develop a partnership and strengthen its influence on the school, municipal and national levels. The project is implemented in 10 municipalities in which the partnerships for education clubs will be established.
We will support your work on resolving the problems in education through the development of activism, cooperation and joint actions in the local community. The work of the clubs will provide the guidelines for joint action at the national level through the establishment and operation of the National Association of Teachers and Parents "Partnership for Education".
You’re invited to join us if:
You want every child to feel accepted and safe in school;
You feel that your child needs to go to a modern school where his/her personality, capabilities, interests, background, family and the community from which he/she comes are respected;
You want to be asked for your opinion on what should be changed in education and for your opinion to be taken into consideration;
You are of the view that teachers and parents could work together and cause changes in education;
You believe that children with some form of disability (physical, mental, etc.), who are burdened by poverty and cultural differences (language, religion, etc.), should go to the same class together with their peers;
You want to fight for all children to exercise their rights to education, as well as those through the education process;
You believe that everyone in the education process should be responsible for their work;
You want to see substantial changes taking place in your local community.
The completion is open until December 30, 2015. The application form may be filled in on https://docs.google.com/a/gradjanske.org/forms/d/1lb7c3CFCIrucEyNeUKDWUBLfPYAShtEeT3vbxg_E4rQ/viewform?c=0&w=1
Further information on 011/3025-852 or at jselmanovic@fosserbia.org
Source: Open Society Foundation and Coordination Body